Patients have a right to express a preference to be seen by a practitioner of their choice.
Patients are asked to keep their appointments, or inform the surgery as soon as possible if they are unable to attend.
Patients are asked to respect all staff and other persons on the premises at all times. verbal and /or physical abuse or imntimidation against GPs , staff or other persons present on the practice premises or where treatment is being provided will not be tolerated. Any patients displaying such behaviour will be removed from the practice list immediately.
Practice Charter
Practice Values
- We are always committed to providing the best possible service.
- We will offer appropriate treatment and advice according to the highest standards as defined by the profession.
- We make every effort to see you promptly
- We will treat you with courtesy and respect
- We will deal promptly with any problems or complaints
- A doctor will be on call at all times for emergencies 8:00am to 6:30pm Mondays to Fridays (excluding bank holidays)
- Patients have the right to see their health records
- Patients have a right to express a preference to see a practitioner of their choice.
- We will encourage staff to undertake appropriate further training and self development
Patients Responsibilities
- Please treat staff with courtesy and respect. The practice operates a zero tolerance policy with regard to aggression and violence towards staff and doctors.
- If possible, please phone before 10.00am if you need a home visit. House call requests should only be made for those who are housebound or terminally ill. Most medical problems are dealt with more effectively in the clinical setting of a surgery.
- Please attend for appointments at the arranged time or if this is not possible please tell us if you cannot keep your appointment
- Please ask if you are unclear about your treatment
- Please be patient. Most delays are usually due to emergencies
- Many illnesses can be prevented through healthy living
- Patients moving outside the practice area will be asked to register with a nearer GP.